Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Population Profile Of Australia - 1396 Words

The population profile of Australia has created impacting changes to how health care in Australia is to be delivered in the near future (Charlesworth, 2015). High rates of obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and poor life style choices such as smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, add to an existing crisis that imposes more pressure on an overworked healthcare system (Willcox, 2014). Future challenges for health industry leaders are to develop strategies, for delivery of inclusive and accessible health care (Council Of Australian Governments, 2016). Currently under review are the impacts of the changing population profile in Australia such as, an aging population, chronic diseases, remote communities, an aging workforce, and variations of†¦show more content†¦Clients with complex needs could be left to navigate the health care system on their own, due to limited resources and over stretched health workforce (Charlesworth, 2015). The World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported that many chronic diseases such as stroke, diabetes and heart disease are preventable, creating a vast potential to develop a primary healthcare approach to address these issues (World Health Organisation, 2013). Studies indicate that Australian indigenous populations are over represented suffering with chronic diseases (Usher, 2011). In rural Indigenous communities, the life expe ctancy is ten years less than the non-indigenous populations, expressing the inequity of a health system that cannot supply the skill share needed to promote health access or provide comprehensive care to rural areas of Australia (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016). Indigenous and Age related, Chronic and acute health issues within the rural communities are intensified, and as workforce demand is not supported adequately on remote placements, the training needed to support such placements, pinpoint that the personnel to population ratio is not sufficient. (Lin, 2009). Distances in the Australian health care system are vast and wide, usage of digital health (Australian Government Department of Health, 2016), has the ability to optimize health and technology with communities and individuals. Video streaming practitioners, who can

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