Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Insecurities among teenagers Essay Example
Insecurities among teenagers Paper It is inevitable that people deal with insecurities differently. Some people may have a positive look on it while others may have a negative view on it. Schlemiel points out in his book, Teen Suicide (2011), that the dealing of insecurities leads to ones make or break. Schlemiel stresses that teenagers should NOT try to handle situations on their own, but rather talk about the problems theyre facing and making the most out of it. Doing the complete opposite, the negative approach to insecurities, has led to physical combat, severe depression, self- harm, and a lot more sad outcomes. Schlemiel discussed that insecurities do not only break but they do make with proper dealing. According to Iowa State University, there are a lot of problems each teenager faces regarding insecurities. Hormonal changes or puberty can trigger insecurity. The same hormones that trigger physical changes during puberty also set off a series of emotional changes. Teenagers emotions are more that not constant, theyre completely unstable; from being in a euphoric state of happiness to extreme mourning of sadness happen all in a snap. These emotional changes might also include shyness or insecurity. Another global problem is being insecure of ones body image. As a teenager, ones body is growing and changing because of puberty. Hair grows practically everywhere, and in this generation, body image is very important. It is important to have a fit body in order to be accepted by the society. Bullying is another very common scenario for teenagers stresses Sands Stretch in her article Facts About Insecurity in Teens (2014). We will write a custom essay sample on Insecurities among teenagers specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Insecurities among teenagers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Insecurities among teenagers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If one is already shy and insecure, and is being bullied, it makes them feel much worse about who they are, what they do, and what they stand for. Facing insecurities is already hard for a person and it being pointed out by other people makes a person feel even worse. Jessica Sanchez, American Idol contestant year 201 2, said that in the Philippines, a common insecurity of Filipinos is their skin color, especially for women. Most of the Filipinos say that having whiter skin is more beautiful. Even in social media, Filipinos want lighter or whiter skin tone; even having fused with foreign bloodline is better. Also, Filipinos nose structure is insecurity. They dont like how their noses look like. Locally, Databases are insecure because of stereotypes. Databases are Ewing stereotyped as people who still live in a mountain-like environment. People who havent been to Dave think that Dave City is still undeveloped. They think that Dave is similar to a mountain province where there are no roads, malls, and technology is scarce. Just because Dave City is in Mindanao where mountains surround it, they mark Databases as primitive and uncivilized. The researchers conducted this study to know more about insecurities and how it affects a teenagers life, to know if there are bridges to the gaps between a teenagers insecurities and their contentment, and to know if this an help lessen a teenagers insecurity. Statement of the Problem The study sights the connection or relationship Of peoples experiences regarding insecurities and its causes and solutions. In short, is there way of answering, guiding, or helping people in times of insecurity outbursts? These are the following questions that partake on the problem: 1 . Why are people prone to insecurities, especially teenagers? 1. 1 Differences 1. 2 Social Acceptance 1. 3 Perfection 2. How can these insecurities amongst society be lessened or eradicated? 2. 1 Guidance and Counseling 2. 2 Comfort and Affirmation 3. What lessons does one gain when overcoming insecurities? 3. 1 Faith in oneself 3. 2 Contentment PART 2: Review Of Related Literature There are thousands of diverse cultures that compose the world. Different races, beliefs, characters and personalities walk on the same ground, breathe the same air, and yet live very distant lives. Each individual possesses distinct characteristics. Venezuelan have their exotic tan skin, Koreans have their innovative attitude, and the world has a lot more of magnificent designs. The problem all boils down to the fact of distribution. Differences are more than inevitable. They are and always will be present. Teenagers, generally everyone, handle these differences differently. Others may take this positively while some take it negatively. Those who take it negatively are the ones who experience having doubts of themselves, mainly causing insecurities. They do not look at these differences as something unique and something that they could be proud of, but rather a lapse in humanity. Ashley Fern (2013) stated that there are two kinds of people: the happy and the unhappy. There are people who are so insecure about everything that they lack self-confidence and become introverts and stray from immunization with others. And there are people who are happy and confident. But every individual is unique. Some people are fat, while others are thin. Some people are fabulous, while others are simple. Some people are creative, while others are dull. Everyone is different from head to toe, and from mind to soul. These differences could lead to different insecurities. People are just not contented with what they have. Everyone has different personal abilities, which can make one insecure about his own ability. Another reason for insecurities is social acceptance. Teenagers are all about he hip, the new, and the in. They want to be accepted by the society so they follow the trends. They seek and long for something that they do not have. Whatever the means may be, they force themselves to the impossible because when that impossible is not reached they feel that they are not worthy. When they feel this certain feeling, they lose every ounce of confidence they have. They are insecure of themselves. The creator of Internal Acceptance Movement (I. A. M. ), Daniel (2013), brings to us her life story of acceptance, and her undertaking. According to her, insecurities can also be related to social acceptance. What if they Will laugh at me? What if they dont like me? What if people will hate me? These questions are often from those who are experiencing social anxiety. They feel insecure whenever they are with other people. They have this feeling that they are not accepted by the society, maybe because of what they wear, what they like or how they move. They are afraid of being judged by other people. Lastly is perfection. According to Paulo Cello (201 3), world-renowned writer, we usually strive toward being perfect to compensate for a sense of inadequacy. Cello also stresses that perfection disguises insecurity. It becomes a statement wherein people say that they are not good enough, so they need to be this and that. Teenagers desire to reach perfection because to them, it is to reach the standards of the world. This has corrupted the self- esteem and well being of the people, especially teenagers. Those who seek perfection are said to be more sensitive about the judgments of others. One of the most common things to do when facing insecurity is reading a book, getting counseling, or simply telling a friend. Counseling is one of the cost remarkable methods when dealing with insecurities in the world, and dealing with insecurities is just one of its purposes. Reading books on the topic has also been the way of getting through emotions and problems. Browsing through verses, chapters, and books, one could see the marvel of life. Respective are given new pavements and minds broadened to the positive outcome of insecurities Guidance and counseling. There are a lot of people, especially teenagers that need help on the roads they are taking. Sherry Morgan wrote in her article, How to Overcome Emotional Insecurity (2015), that it is important to seek unseeing when one is feeling his or her emotional insecurities are due to other issues, such as an obstacle that may have affected ones outlook in life. Sometimes a person is unable to cope with certain events, such as death. Attending regular sessions with a counselor is also helpful in overcoming ones insecurities. Counselors help their patients to overcome insecurities through the useful advises they give. Guidance and counseling doesnt really mean that one needs to see a psychiatrist or a counselor. One can just ask his or her parents, friends, or relatives for some advices on overcoming insecurities. One doesnt need to spend money in seeking advice as Morgan tries to remind. Advices dont necessarily just come from experts. Also, it is very helpful for guidance from other people in order to lessen ones insecurities. He or she doesnt need to experience some insecurity once there is someone guiding him or her. Teenagers usually get lost or confused in the paths they should choose to follow. They usually follow whats trending, and what other teenagers do. Sometimes, they just need people to guide them and to remind them of the qualities they have; they just need other people to counsel them or even imply listen to the things they have to say. Also, there are times when teenagers just want to let it all out. This means that they just want to tell or share their feelings and insecurities to other people. For some, they may need to hear some advice, but there are also some people who just want to say it out loud with out needing to get an advice. Comfort and affirmation. Teenagers often forget what their capabilities and characteristics that make them unique from other teenagers are, which lead to being insecure. Teenagers are just insecure because they dont have confidence and faith in themselves. They dont have the confidence to face their insecurities and discover new things for themselves. They just want to go for what is safe or what is being accepted by society. Sharon Martin (2014) shares that being comforted and being affirmed is really helpful for teens who are facing a series of insecurities. It has a big impact, and it helps build ones confidence when someone affirms the one experiencing insecurities. Affirmation of ones capabilities is very helpful in building confidence because it reminds them of even the tinniest things they should be proud Of. Sometimes, for other teenagers, they find comfort from rods of affirmation, a love language, and from other people. Teenagers just need to hear or be reminded of what the best things in them are. They need to hear it from other people than them seeing it in themselves. Also, parents comfort and love for their children play a big role in lessening their insecurities. Sometimes children, in this case, teens want to make their parents proud. Children also want that their parents to always be present in sharing the trials and the victories. To them, there is comfort in support. Comfort from parents is still very different from the comfort they receive from other people. After such counseling, one cannot help but learn new things for the brighter beginning. Overcoming insecurities is not a one-time thing. They come and go whenever you they want to, or whenever you let them. But once youve been there, the lessons are to be remembered. People build up faith in themselves, and they are contented of what they have. One could finally say goodbye to those insecurities. Faith in oneself. As Melissa Nag uttered in her article, How to Believe In Your Self in the Face of Overwhelming Self-Doubt (2014), teens tend to lose faith in themselves when dealing with insecurity. Having doubts in oneself dominates very little thing in the mind and sets a standard that lessens the opportunity in achieving the goal at its best. It degrades the self-confidence that is trying to put them up yet beats them down due to the critical thinking that runs different expressions of pin ions that they might expect from others. This problem is not necessary in life. Self-doubt can never be taken away in ones life. It is like a ghost that haunts you every now and then. When it strikes people, it consumes the confidence, hinders reasoning and logic from the head, and purloins happiness from the heart, thus, leaving dread and insecurity in peoples intellects. People try to be optimistic in handling self- doubt but it does not work because this eventually chases you more. Since Melissa was a child, drawing has been her best friend. For her, drawing is a part of her life that will always be in her heart. There was this time in her childhood when she decided that she wanted to be an artist someday but sadly many commentators brought her down and quickly judged her. They said that she could not have a dream that was not practical and realistic. They said that being an artist is just some kind of hobby and one cannot make a vying out of it. As a child, she thought that adults were always right so she took that negative message and internalized it. For years, she had that self-doubt kept in her mind that she cannot do it. She was afraid that people might not accept nor like her art. She was afraid Of being rejected as an artist and was starting to question her knowledge and abilities. The little problem that runs on her mind is like venom of fear and self-doubt that ran all over her. But then, she realized that trying to beat insecurity or self-doubt would still not gain her much confidence. Insecurity Anton be beat. Instead of saying, What If I fail? she responded by saying, Then Ill try again. Working on this condition will transform negative thoughts in to an opportunity for growth. In this way, people will give themselves a chance to be renewed and have faith in them. Next is contentment. Contentment is a state of happiness that does not concern the missing material things, but the concrete ones that one has and can be proud of. Contentment. Children started their journey in life with happiness and they were practically problem-free. Being children, they can do silly things without eating embarrassed. By the time they become teenagers, their mind will be more matured and they cannot do those silly things anymore because of peers and embarrassing situations. Their minds will change the aspect on how they Cope with their surroundings. Teenagers judge their fellow teens quickly. They are not hesitant to doubt and criticize others. Some teenagers think that their lives are miserable for the uncertain faults and lack of discipline that theyve encountered. They think that their lives are dejected. Leo Beauty (2013) said that the problem is not with the society, but it is thin. Teenagers most probably do not trust themselves. If they do not trust themselves, they obviously do not like their character. Also, they judged themselves badly. They tend to compare themselves to others. Teenagers are not contented with what they have. Contentment is a must when it comes to being happy. It is a way of changing views from whys to why not. It is making a move for themselves, a move of choosing happiness and taking to account what they have and being happy, than to be unhappy with who they are and what they dont have. In the end, its all by choice. Make it, or break it. PART 3: Significance of the Study The study will be a big help in building self-esteem Of others. By understanding the emotional and social needs of people, there is encouragement of a better insecure-free society, and productive individuals are formed. It will guide insecure people to healthier and brighter futures. This study will also serve as a guide material for counselors and parents in dealing with such cases. Teenagers Teens are in the stage of which there are severe changes physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Insecurities take a big part of this time In life. This study would strengthen their self-esteem and would have positive outlooks on life, rather than sulking on what is and what is not. Parents Parents play a vital role in their childs life. Proper dealing with different problems molds the childs views and character. This study would allow parents to have an insight when dealing with scenarios involving insecurities. Counselors Counselors are secondary parents. They would be able to express more on the topic with this study.
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